Janja and the Magic Flower
Janja and the Magic Flower
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Vnesite e-poštni naslov, na katerega vas bomo obvestili, ko bo izdelek ponovno na voljo v spletni trgovini.
"Janja and the Magic Flower" is a real-life fairy tale about a girl who dares to dream. Along her journey to success, she finds encouragement from her family and friends to overcome obstacles. The exciting story, filled with picturesque fairy-tale characters, such as the old Goat, intertwines with biographical elements from Janja Garnbret's childhood and her personal message to young readers. "Janja and the Magic Flower" is more than a story about success. It is also a tale about friendship and the importance of striving and believing in yourself to achieve your dreams. Dream, believe and you will succeed.
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See the Slovenian version of the picture book
Oglejte si slovensko verzijo slikanice
Blagovna znamka | RESNIČNE PRAVLJICE |
Dimenzije | 20 x 27 x 0.8 |
Jezik | Angleški |
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